2025 OEMA Conference March 3-7, 2025 ***REGISTRATION NOW OPEN***

The 2025 Oklahoma Emergency Management Conference will soon be approaching. The 2025 Conference will be held March 3-7, 2025 at the Choctaw Casino and Resort in Durant, OK. Two days of Training will be available prior to the Conference on Monday and Tuesday March 3-4, 2025.


The Oklahoma Emergency Management Association (OEMA) stands as a pivotal organization representing the interests and efforts of state, county, municipal, and tribal emergency managers across Oklahoma. Our mission is deeply rooted in minimizing the impact of various emergencies, including attacks, technological incidents, and natural disasters. We achieve this through a strong emphasis on preparedness and by orchestrating efficient emergency response and disaster recovery operations.

At the heart of OEMA is our dedicated board, comprising emergency managers from various regions of Oklahoma. This diverse group of professionals brings a wealth of experience and commitment to the table. All association officers contribute their time and expertise on a volunteer basis, dedicating countless hours towards the advancement of OEMA's objectives. Their collective effort ensures that OEMA remains at the forefront of emergency management, continually working to safeguard the communities and people of Oklahoma.

Agendas and Minutes

The Oklahoma Emergency Management Association (OEMA) maintains a meticulous record of its meetings and decisions through detailed agendas and minutes. These documents are essential in tracking the progression of our strategies and actions in emergency management. They encompass a wide range of topics, from discussing new emergency protocols to reviewing past incidents and refining our response strategies. OEMA ensures transparency and accountability by making these records available to its members, fostering an environment of open communication and continuous improvement.


Membership in the OEMA offers a unique opportunity for individuals and organizations involved in emergency management to collaborate and grow. Members benefit from access to a vast network of professionals, exclusive training sessions, and up-to-date information on the latest trends and technologies in emergency management. We welcome new members from various sectors, including government agencies, private companies, and non-profits, to join us in our mission to enhance emergency preparedness and response capabilities across Oklahoma.

Proposed By-Law Changes

OEMA is committed to evolving and adapting its by-laws to meet the changing needs of emergency management in Oklahoma. Proposed changes to the by-laws are carefully considered and are aimed at improving the effectiveness of our operations and decision-making processes. These proposals are subject to thorough review and discussion among the members, ensuring that any modifications align with our core mission and enhance our ability to protect and serve the communities in Oklahoma.